Sunday, October 25, 2009

Postpartum Depression Treatment

Postpartum depression (postpartum depression) is not something that can be taken lightly. This depression can harm the mother, also her baby. The arrival of unpredictable, can occur immediately after birth, can also emerged only after several months of birth.

How to detect postpartum depression? Pediatrician, Shoshanna Bennett, PhD says that there are few early symptoms. No one else expectant mother is immune and no specific type of woman who would be affected by depression after the birth. Still, if you find yourself or someone you know is experiencing these symptoms, she may experience postpartum depression:

- Having a personal history or family member who is depressed
- Have experience postpartum depression from the previous child
- Experiencing pain PMS (Pre Menstrual Syndrome) severe
- Changes in negative mood in response to the contraceptive pill
- Feeling very, very isolated
- There was no encouragement from partner
- Ever have a history of emotional trauma

Someone you know through this? Even if none of these symptoms, is a good idea if you still take precautionary action before the birth of a baby. Here are preventive measures you can do before it happens postpartum depression:

1. Set a regular time agreement. Ensure that the baby is equally important to maintain for the mother memastika there is also a guard. Discuss well with your partner, how will you handle the baby is awake at night. Create an alternate schedule, who will handle Monday night, Tuesday night, and the next. Or a replacement system in 1 night. This is to ensure that both parents get enough rest.

2. Make sure the mother in good health. Maintaining a healthy intake of food is key, so, go on eating healthy food after birth. Exercise (perhaps the time is difficult, but walking while carrying a baby is also quite). Consider adding the fish oil omega-3 as your vitamin supplements.

3. Support of family and friends is important. There should be reinforcements that can help you continue to feel not alone.

4. Research methods of treatment. Find out counseling, medical care, or natural healing and alternatives to help you cope with postpartum depression before completely whack.