Monday, November 23, 2009

Do not Wait for You to Become Sick, Stop Right Now.

To prevent the disease there are several things you can do, including :

1. Personal Hygiene

Even in developed countries was about the correct hand washing is still necessary rearranged. Why? Because of that hand washing is not really produced many potential health problems. Without washing hands properly, we become ill who did not have to happen.

Not enough merely touched the water, washed his hands of the right to soap. Most of us, instead of washing his hands in a healthy, often touching confectionary or sat at the table before the hand perfectly washed.

If no clean hands, stomach diseases (faecal-oral) appears. SARS cases, including endangered, bird flu, influenza (could be derived from the fingers that touch the elevator buttons, door handles, phone, furniture in public places, money, shaking hands). The fingers need to be made sterile from the possibility of such contamination.

Germs and viruses from everywhere generally comes from outside enter the body through food, drink, nostril (nose), biting fingers, no spoon feeding. Or their own food and drink (food court, restaurants, shops rice) was contaminated with germs from the start because manufacturers or unhygienic penyajinya (average derived from a hawker food-drink raw, or not hot).

Seedling diseases can also come from clothing, shoes, slippers, hair, after traveling out of the house. Especially if just returned from public places, markets, hospitals, malls, public transportation. It is important for cleaning up every time out to travel. Outer clothing swap and do not take him to the bedroom.

Familiarize traveling home from sandals and shoes left outside the room, if necessary, immediately flush the hair (if you do not want to wash my hair) because the parts that all the germs from the air, the floor, probably already attached.

Need to wash hands to the arms, and the skin surface in contact with anything for the outdoors, and wash the face, including nostril cleaning with soapy water. In parts it possible for the germs outside the home is attached.

That way it attacks any kind of flu and the threat of all respiratory diseases and digestive tract can be defeated. The cost of flu or diarrhea cure is not how, but our daily activities become interrupted. Itupun if not until complications to the lungs, sinusitis, congek, or dehydration, so must go to the hospital. There was no mercy when the SARS and bird flu attack.

2. Simply Sleep

The need to sleep an average of about 7-8 hours. It's not just quantity, more quality sleep after. Disturbed sleep or not sleep is part of a number of diseases. Can cause physical illness, more often because of mental illness. However, due to work activities or serve on entertainment and self-satisfaction (stay up watching TV), people tend to be lack of sleep.

Sleep important part of the body to restore energy, in addition to replacing worn parts or damaged. Not just a good night, it was revealed that people also need a nap. Recent studies reveal that. In addition to fit, make a long nap age also.

Apart from the disease, unhealthy sleep well when bedding and pillows did not meet health standards. Disturbance back, neck, so that waking up is not fit to the mattress because the bed or pillow is not qualified.

To obtain a healthy sleep, get used to the scheduled hours of sleep. Our bodies can be set for all the daily schedule, so that the machine working order, including the schedule of waking up, meals, respite, and sexual activity as well.

3. Three meals a day

Our health is determined by what we eat, too. Not only the frequency, the adequacy of the body all the nutrients will need to be fulfilled portion. The more varied daily menu, the more adequate nutrient adequacy. The body needs about 40 of the types of nutrients. Some are essential or could not be provided by the body, but must come from food.

We need to eat three times a day. However, if our daily diet and back-it's only just longer (monodiet), the adequacy of the body all the nutrients are not met.

Not all portions of each have the right nutrients, the quality of the menu also determine whether or not fulfilled our body nutrition. When classified waste daily menu (junk food, fast food menu), and consumption goes on, eventually the body will lack of nutrition.
Symptoms of malnutrition modern happening today. It is a food supplement products, healthy beverages offered more flooding. If we do not mistakenly select the menu.

In addition to cigarette smoke, the wrong menu could be the biggest cause of cancer. The menu is wise proportional to each nutrient the body needs, from fresh selected ingredients, no preservatives, flavorings, colorings, artificial sweeteners (dangerous), and not consumed in excess.

So do not just enough to meet all the nutritional value when the menu contains hazardous substances. Are vegetables that we eat is not contaminated with pesticides sprayed, so people should choose organic crops are free of pesticides. Does the skin of our fruit is not left gerogot chemical preservatives. What color substances, flavorings, and pengawetnya not dangerous, and the measures to be allowed?

Also if we treated the menu correctly? What we like to eat pickles, salted fish, white rice (SOSOH), water containing high nitrate, or oncom, nuts, mushrooms contaminated with aflatoxin maker?
Fancy menus danger because of the high fat, flour, and excessive sugar, salt wasteful, but low in carbohydrates and less fiber, in addition to the dangers of spices, flavorings, preservatives, and coloring, and other harmful chemicals.

Luxurious menu menu also comes from processed, artificial plant look more attractive, tasty, but bad temper for health. Menu fast food restaurants, tend to become fat as a source of calories.

Over half of the portion of calories provided by fat in the daily menu of modern man. In fact, the largest healthy amount of calories derived from carbohydrates (rice, cassava, maize, cassava). In addition, restaurant menus and menu of luxury goods generally tend not fresh. In addition to processed too long, long raw materials stored, preserved, and damaged by the heating process for cooking.

Until old age continue to require the body's proteins. Animal protein and vegetable protein. Therefore animal protein comes from red meat (beef, lamb, pork) much fat, healthy protein derived from fish (chicken, rabbit, turkey belonging to the white meat). Marine fish is better than fresh fish, because in addition to protein, fish oil omega-3 and omega-6 from the deep ocean (deep sea) quality as well as antikolesterol.

Luxury menu of meat tend to choose the more expensive imports, although not as more healthful fat. Within a day, a luxury menu contains an average of one fifth of chickens or beef cattle equivalent, and it was not healthy.

Modern sugar consumption tends to increase, on average 25 kg / capita / year. Americans, and Cuban even reached 60 kg / capita / year. Excessive sugar consumption is certainly not healthy because it makes overweight (obesity), aggravate diabetes and other metabolic diseases classified as "diseases of civilization", namely heart disease, cancer, intestinal disorder diverticulitis, or stomach cancer.

Besides too sweet, too extravagant fancy menus kitchen salt. The average salt consumption of our menus ten times your body needs. Could be that's why cases of hypertension increased among devotees lavish menu, in addition to diabetes tails too. We know that obesity triggers diabetes, in addition to the rise of breast cancer, prostate, or colon.

Why? Because luxury menu (which the average high processed refined diet) will change the flora (bacteria residents) gut, and damage the digestive substances, which turned into a trigger cancer (carcinogenic). The same thing happens when we are often constipated.

When feces were much longer in the gut, intestinal bacteria a chance to change the substance there to be carcinogenic. Lack of fiber (fiber) in the daily diet of modern man to make the average person to be high rates of constipation and gut cancer.

High-fat menu also changes the composition of intestinal bacteria, which became the impetus of carcinogenic substances colon cancer. High-fat menu also changes the balance of sex hormones in the body, so that the body more sensitive to spark breast cancer.
We know, modern daily menus tend to use a mixture of chemicals such as formaldehyde, artificial sweetener saccharin, aspartame, artificial flavorings, other than dye (Rhodamine B textiles), a bad effect on health. The effect may not be immediately obvious, but the cumulative carcinogenic after a few tens of years of consumption.
Our health is determined by the contents of the family dinner table, but by habit snack or choose a restaurant menu. Civilization disease cases doubled chin (double chin), because of the restaurant menu is more hooked than the home menu. Indeed, the more simple and natural a menu should be chosen for the healthy.

4. Breakfast Menu Like Prince

Yes. Breakfast should be more complete than just a mere filling. Why? The body needs nutrients in order to complete the work machine body was weak all day. Lack of protein, minerals, and essential nutrients that the body needs from breakfast, had been replaced by lunch and dinner if breakfast improvise.

For your body shape, it needs a full breakfast and adequate (balanced diet). Daily performance will be lower if not for breakfast or just a rudimentary breakfast, including children in school achievement.

5. Maintain Ideal Body Weight

Weight loss always maintained that ideal. Parameter excess or shortage of food seen ups and downs of weight loss. To find your ideal weight can be calculated by Body Mass Index formula. BMI = weight (kg) divided by height (M). The index ranges from 22-25. More than 25 considered overweight, and less than 20 votes skinny.

Someone will get fat when excess calories. Excess calories does not necessarily have sufficient nutrients when the menu is not considered a balanced diet. Obese but malnourished often now. It's called that most of the menu calories derived from fat plush (fried foods, lard, coconut milk), whereas the traditional menu from excess eating rice (sweet potato, cassava, corn, sago).

6. Organized Moving Body

No need to exercise special, just move the body. Walking is still considered the best. It's not easy to walk, but scrambled (Brisk walking), with a rate of 100 meters / min or 6 km / h, for 40-50 minutes, 5-6 times a week. Or if you want to count aerobiknya value, measured from the pulse. Judged sufficient if achieved 60-80 per cent of the value (220 - age), with due regard to the condition, and the presence or absence of disease (heart, diabetes).

Sports and moving the body does not heal the blood vessels that had already corroded fat (atherosclerosis), candidate pipeline blockage of coronary arteries or the brain. Corrosion process of fat that's been going on since an early age, decades when the blood fat (lipid profile) allowed higher (cholesterol, triglycerides).

7. No Smoking

Classified as carcinogenic smoke strong. Modern people get cancer risk from cigarette smoke and fancy menus. There is no way to reduce the risk of cancer from smoking than to quit smoking. Not even choosing cigarettes with mild type. Because obviously a lot of facts from the ugliness of these cigarettes.

Create a heart, go smoke damage the cardiovascular, hypertension high adders, and effects only taste good fresh (brain stimulant). Smoking is one risk of coronary heart disease and stroke. In addition, smoking can also cause disruption of the function of sexual life, which is certainly very uncomfortable. Is not that right?!

Passive smokers as heavy, if not heavier than current smokers. Need to set up a special room to smoke in any public places. We also contaminated thousands of substances and gases in the air. Smoke and coal soot when stuffed with a mixture of sulfur, car fumes, gases CO, lead (lead), nickel, cadmium, beryllium, in addition to ozone, and acid rain (sulfur contamination effect).

So, if only through obedience to a healthy lifestyle is high since the young, and now it's not too late to start, both diseases that do not have to happen or if brought talent and metabolic disease degeratif, do not need to happen to us. Talent diabetes and high blood might not have appeared. Similarly, if talented uric acid.

With patterned lifelong healthy living, there is a bonus awarded a longer life for our lives. Not only did not die prematurely and can achieve a longer life, but also as the ideals of people in developed countries today, but also long-lived stay healthy (healthy aging). Especially if they can get back to nature.