Saturday, October 24, 2009

Mental Illness (Schizophrenia, Paranoia, Manicdepressive)

A mental illness attacked (Psychose), disturbed personality, and then less able to adapt to normal, and not able to understand the problem. Often mentally ill people, do not feel that he was ill, otherwise he thought that he was normal, even better, more superior and more important than others.

Asylum there are 2 kinds, namely:

First: that caused by damage to the body member. For example the brain, central nervous or loss of the ability of the gland. this may be caused by poisoning due to alcohol, drugs or narcotics stimulants, due to gross disease and so on.

Second: is caused by mental disturbances which have dragged on so that its peak without a reasonable settlement or loss of mental balance as a whole, because the atmosphere is very stressful environment, inner tension and so on.


Schizophrenia is a mental illness most common in comparison with other mental illnesses, it causes a deterioration of personality in general, which usually began to appear at puberty, and most of the people aged between 15 - 30 years.

The symptoms include:

* Cold feeling, no attention to what is happening around him. Not seen her emotional reaction to the people closest to him, whether the emotion of anger, sadness and fear. Everything was faced with indifference.

* Many lost in reverie far from reality, very difficult for people to understand the mind. And he preferred to stay away from relationships with people and like to be alone.

* Have prejudices that are not true and not unreasonable, for example when he saw the people who write or talk about something, he thought that writing or speech that is intended to reproach him.

* Far too often the wrong response or cessation of the mind, for example, people were talking a sudden forget what he said it. Sometimes in conversation he moved from one problem to another problem that has nothing to do at all or what he was saying was not clear edge base.

* Hallucinations hearing, smell or vision, where people like to hear, smell or see something that does not really exist. He seemed to hear someone else (neighbor) to talk about it, or saw something that scared him.

* A lot of despair and felt that he was the victim of crime or community people. Feel that all people guilty and led to his suffering.

* A desire to distance themselves from society, refusing to meet with other people and so forth, sometimes even up to not eat or drink and so forth, so in this case must be injected so it helped.

Likewise, among other symptoms of Schizophrenia, and each patient may experience only one or two kinds of symptoms alone, whereas in other respects seemed far from reality.

Until now not known with certainty what the actual cause

Schizophrenia was. Some argue that large keturunanlah role. According to the results of several studies proved that 60% of these sick people who come from families that had afflicted mentally ill. There is also a saying that is why the destruction of certain glands in the body. There is a view focused on the adjustment that is because people are unable to face the hardships of life, could not adjust themselves so that often fail in trying to face hardships.

Whatever the real cause, but it proved that most of these diseases began attacking the man when facing a stressful event, which resulted in the emergence of the disease there may already be hidden in that person. Another driving factor is economic hardship, family, love relationships, but there is anxiety that comes from too long to masturbate, so feel guilty and regret, was unable to stop it.

The disease is a long biased development, perhaps in a few months or several years, he finally showed mild symptoms, but eventually after a certain event, a sudden look great symptoms at once.


Paranoia is a disease 'crazy greatness' or 'crazy accuse people'. Among the characteristics of this disease is the delusion that one of the master minds of people who attacked. This delusion of different shapes and colors according to mood and personality of the patient, for example:

* The patient has one opinion (belief) is wrong, all the attention directed to it and the one that is what the fruit he said, so that every person he meets will also be true convince this opinion. For example there is a husband who thinks that his wife poisoned him evil intention. So always avoid eating at home, for fear of poisoning it.

* People feel that there evil people to him and always tried to drop it or molesting.

* The patient felt that he was a great man, great is unrivaled, believing himself to be a great leader or maybe admit the Prophet.

Delusions or thought of that felt by the patient was able to master it and not lost. Except that his mind seemed orderly and fixed. In the beginning people thought that his mind was logical and correct., Usually people who attacked paranoia he's smart, strong mind, his emotions seemed balanced and matched with his mind. It's just that he mempunai a false belief, so that his words are always perhatiaan and controlled by the wrong thoughts.

Actually we should distinguish between the paranoid psychotic who truly paranoid behavior. Paranoid behavior which is also abnormal also include:

* Seen once in all his actions, that he was selfish, stubborn and very strong convictions and opinions.

* Not willing to admit mistakes or shortcomings, always throwing blame on others, and any failure disangkannya result of interference of others.

* He believes that he has the ability and exceptional intelligence. He was a descendant of a lot better than others and feel that everyone is jealous, envious and afraid of him.

* In the fraternity he was not faithful, was a very loved person, will be transformed into the most hated person by the causes only trivial.

* This person can not work and has adherence to the leadership. Because he likes to argue or fight and mempnuayai own opinion, do not want to accept the advice or views of others.

3. Manicdepressive

Patients experience a sense of great / joy which later became sad / depressed. The symptoms are:

a.Mania, Remembrance three levels of light (hypo), severe (acute) and very heavy (hyper).

In the actions of people who were attacked by a mild mania seemed always active, do not know shit, likes penguasai conversation, never rebuked both words and deeds, can not stand to hear criticism of this person likes dirinya.biasanya meddler.

In severe mania (acute), people usually were attacked by delusions at certain times, so difficult for him to do a job with regularly. Patients expressed a sense of joy and happiness to excess. sometimes attacked by thoughts of the time, so that can not distinguish the place, time and people around him.

In the case of very severe mania (hyper) who attacked sometimes dangerous to himself and may harm others in the attitudes and actions.

This disease is also called 'mad recurrence-kumatan', because people change from the excessive excitement, already it can come back or reduced to sad, gloomy and helpless.

In the first case the patient screamed, mencai abuse, anger anger and so forth, then back to the usual calm and work like No! Nothing.


patient looked grim, sad and desperate. He was attacked by various diseases that can not be cured, or the feeling that sin can not be forgiven again. Sometimes he hurt himself.

The man who attacked a mild disease often complain melancholia bad luck and feel no hope anymore. And for people with severe melancholia to distance himself from the community.

So among other symptoms of mental disorders and diseases that prove just how large a result of disruption of one's mental health, which will eliminate the happiness and peace of his life.