Friday, October 23, 2009

Causes Autism?

The number of people with autism in the last decade Autism, a disease that a century ago, almost no sound at all, now has almost become something normal. Mainly the development of autism skyrocketed in the last few decades, as can be seen in the graph on the right.

As already, autism can be very difficult to control, let alone to be healed. If we find a variety of potential causes, so hopefully we can arrange for our children protected from it all. "Prevention is better than cure", says the proverb. And for the case of autism, which in America alone treatment cost U.S. $ 35 billion per year, saying it was a landslide hit the target.

The exact cause of autism is not known until now. Most likely, there are many causes of autism, not just one.
Previously had suspected that autism is caused due to genetic defects. But the genetic defect does not occur in such a large scale and in such a short time. Since then researchers agree that there are many other possible causes of autism.

Suspected things potentially cause autism:

1. Thimerosal-containing vaccines: thimerosal is a preservative used in many vaccines. Because of the criticism, now has a lot of vaccines that no longer use thimerosal in developed countries. Yet, somehow the case in developing countries ...
2. Television: The more developed a country, usually the interaction between the child - parents declining for many reasons. As compensation, the TV is often used as a child entertainer. Apparently there is a possibility that the TV could be the cause of autism in children, especially those who rarely socialized into it.

The impact of television can not be denied is very powerful, not only to individuals, but even to the community and / or state. The most obvious example is the case in a remote country of Bhutan - so they let the TV in their country, the number and types of crime increased dramatically.

We can imagine for yourself what the impact to our children who are innocent. Hyperactive? ADHD? Autism? A study has now finally admitted that possibility.

3. Genetic: This is the beginning of the alleged causes of autism; autism has long been known to be inherited from parents to their children.

But not only that, there is also the possibility of other variations. One example is how the children born of older fathers have a greater chance to suffer from autism. (although a normal father / not autistic)
4. Food: In the 1970s, Dr. Feingold and his colleagues witnessed an increase in ADHD cases of very large scale. As someone who has lived in the era of 20 / 30-an, he still remembered how ADHD was almost nonexistent in the era.

Dr. Feingold happens to have started treating some cases of mental disorders since the year 1940 by imposing a special diet to patients, with results that clearly and tend in a short time.

Diet therapy was then known as The Feingold Program.

In essence, a variety of chemicals in modern foods (preservatives, coloring, etc.) suspected to be the cause of autism in some cases. When these substances removed from the diet of people with autism, many of which have increased dramatically the situation.

Dr. Feingold pay this discovery quite expensive. Around the 1970s, he was betrayed by the Nutrition Foundation, where Coca-Cola, Kraft foods, etc. are members. He was suddenly shunned by the AMA, and declined to speak everywhere.
Thank God then he can be a variety of books published, and today we will be able to know many of the findings about the dangers of modern food.

5. Radiation on the fetus a baby: A large-scale study in Sweden showed that infants exposed to excessive Ultrasonic waves will tend to be left-handed.
With the increasing number of radiation around us, there is the possibility of radiation also play cause autism. But how to avoid it, I also do not know. What is clear is easy to avoid ultrasound - avoid if not necessary.
6. Folic Acid: This substance is usually given to pregnant women to prevent physical defects in the fetus. And the result is real enough, the level of defects in the fetus was down to 30%. But on the other hand, increased levels of autism so.

At this time the research continues on this. While this may be done by pregnant women is to keep taking folic acid - but not in a very large doses (normal pregnant women be given folic acid dose 4x folding of normal dose).

Or better - multiply eat fruits rich in folic acid, because nature can be prevented without causing side effects:

Nature is more precise; that's why all man-made drugs have side effects

7. School early: A little surprising, but there are several studies showing that send their children earlier (pre school) can trigger a reaction autism.

Estimated, babies with autism talent could have cured / improved by being in a parent scope. However, since it was moved to a different foreign environments (school playgroup / preschool), so some children so in shock, and talent came with autismenya become very clear.

To avoid this, parents need to have the ability to detect autism in children talent early. If it is detected, then maybe his preschool period should be guided exclusively by their own parents. This is so that when entering childhood autismenya the symptoms had almost disappeared; and the children were able to enjoy his childhood in a happy school.

And maybe there's a lot more variety of potential causes of autism to be found in the future, in line with the continued development of knowledge in this field.

In summary; modern lifestyle is very large contributions to the increase in autism cases. One of the most obvious evidence is hardly any cases of autism in the Amish community.

NOTE: This article only aims to introduce you to the various potential causes of autism.

Various articles discussing this topic tend to be very difficult to understand because they use the language of medical / academic. Therefore, this article aims to explain in everyday language that is easy to understand.
Thus expected to further facilitate the (prospective) parents to do more research on this matter.

Is it Autism?

Autism is: neurodevelopmental disorder that manifests itself in markedly abnormal social interaction, communication ability, patterns of interests, and patterns of behavior.

"Defects in neural development & human psyche, both from the fetus and so on, which causes weakness / differences in social interaction, communication ability, patterns of interests, and behavior".

Autism is wide enough and includes a lot of things. The characteristics of autism there are many, and most people with autism have suffered only partially.

People with autism are quite a lot turned out to be successful in life. Many autistic become experts in the field of science, mathematics, computers, and others.

Parents can greatly help to guide the child with autism to exploit strengths (such as: the ability to focus & concentration are excellent), and train them to improve his weaknesses.