Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Autism Cured Thanks To Game

Parents do not have to always be skeptical of video games. If overused, it's the modern game can bring adverse effects. But in a certain scale, video games can actually be used to help restore autism who experienced a child. Children with autism tend to be apathetic towards the surrounding environment. So, the game is believed to help the child to interact.

Do not believe it? Researchers from the University of Missouri has done research knows it. Video game shown to help children who have autism. They made a game called Space Race. When playing this game, children with autism were asked to launch rockets in the monitor with the purpose to train the brain to concentrate.

Concentration level of children is measured by audio-visual feedback is displayed on the monitor. While the brain activity will be displayed on other monitors, after a team of researchers put sensors on their scalp. This healing process that became known as neurofeedback.

Research results show, the parts of the brain damage / death because rarely used by people with autistic children can be repaired or activated again. The research team also claimed, this game can also be used for therapeutic brain trauma, stroke, depression, alcoholics, and premenstrual syndrome.

Catalyst video also makes video games for people with autism, presents 12 stories that focus on emotional connection and expression. This Game''may provide a tool for parents and teachers to develop empathy skills in autistic children,''said Nik Lever, managing director of Catalyst.